Assignments for applied bayesian statistics are delivered in report format. The following links lead to the pdf files of reports in different topics. Relevant R codes are listed in the appendix of the reports.

  1. Melbourne Properties Sales Prices - Part 1 - Based on a dataset with given property prices, use gibbs sampling (with or without prior information) to test whether:
    • mean sales price is AUD 850K
    • standard deviation is AUD 300K

  1. Melbourne Properties Sales Prices - Part 2 - Based on a dataset with given property prices and below descriptive features:
    • Area - Land size of the sold properties
    • Number of bedrooms
    • Number of bathrooms
    • Number of Carparks
    • Property Type (House or Unit)
    build JAGS multiple regression models to predict sales price when only descriptive features are provided in a new dataset.

  1. Covid19 - case study in Brazil* - We have chosen a covid-19 dataset from kaggle to build:
    • logistic regression models and investigate which descriptive feature(s) are significant to determine positive events in the models.
    • hierarchical models and investigate whether there is any difference in age group on the probability of positive events in the models.

N.B. * indicates open-ended assignment